Sunday 4 April 2010

Doctor Who is back

I've been looking forward to the new series of Doctor Who all year, so it was with bated breath that I sat down last night to tune in for Matt Smith's first outing as the eleventh Doctor. I have been in a period of mourning since David Tennant regenerated at the end of the Christmas special and, though not wanting to make any assumptions about the new Doctor, have been unsure whether the casting has been right. Having watched last night's 'The Eleventh Hour', I am still holding judgement. I didn't dislike Matt Smith's portrayal, but I didn't find it wholly believable- I felt that he isn't sure himself yet of his character, but I feel that he may have the potential to grow into the role. Maybe this is intentional- as he says himself, "I'm still cooking".

On the whole I enjoyed the episode. Stephen Moffat, who has taken over as main script writer, has written some of my favourite episodes- 'Blink' and 'Girl In the Fireplace' were excellent. Like 'Blink', 'The Eleventh Hour' plays on our everyday fears, this time the things we occasionally see out of the corner of our eye, but never pay proper attention to. The episode was clearly setting the scene for what is to come, and importantly, introduced us to Amy Pond, the Doctor's latest companion.

I am looking forward to the rest of the series- we already have hints to the future ("Silence will fall", the Doctor is ominously told) and I am curious to see how the character of the new Doctor will evolve.


The Plashing Vole said...

Finally saw it. Loved it. Agree with the Matt Smith comment, and the episode was uneven in terms of action and timing, but bits were generally frightening and others were touching. Seemed much more child-oriented, which is no bad thing.
Like the new companion. Oh yes.

PS. 'Bated' breath. As in 'held back'. Sorry.

Imaginary Friend said...

Yes yes, my mistake- should check over what I have written. Will change it. If we are wanting to be picky, you missed an apostrophe out in one of your posts today!

Watched the episode again this evening. Was better second time round, having got a little more used to David Tennant not being the Doctor!