Monday 20 July 2009

A good weekend

I've spent a very pleasant weekend in the company of Mr Vole. We went to see the new Harry Potter film on Saturday- very good. It had the odd shaky moment and a lot of the detail from the book was passed over, but on the whole it was excellent. I couldn't believe the queues of people waiting to get in, I'm guessing it will definitely be a box office success.
Yesterday was spent mooching- isn't that what Sundays are for? Had a bite of lunch out and then pottered (sorry, no pun intended) around Waterstones, just to feed the Vole's book buying obsession. I did think at one point he was going to go into a frenzied rage around the store on spotting a sign above a case of books about cycling that said "Peddle Power". Appalling. A quiet word was had with the shop assistant who said that the sign had been produced by the Arndale store- not sure which was worse, the fact that they had made such a dreadful mistake in producing it, or that someone else had then put it up without spotting the error. Grrr.


The Plashing Vole said...

I had a great time too. Thanks for the Ladybird cricket mug and the chilli plants!

Imaginary Friend said...

It's a pleasure. Hope they grow OK. Do you have green fingers?!