Friday 10 July 2009

Mmmm, chocolate

I've been feeling a little sorry for myself this week- my cold seems to have developed into mild flu-like symptoms, though I am feeling a little better today. Being ill gives me the excuse to eat chocolate though. I am a bit of a chocoholic- I don't buy it for myself that often but if it is put in front of me I cannot resist! I'm afraid that yesterday the chocolate bars at the till in the supermarket kept shouting at me (damn those retail psychologists) and in the end I gave in and bought a Cadbury's Double Decker. They must be one of my favourite chocolate bars, though as with many things in life, they aren't as good as they used to be. On that note I ask, what things in life do you feel just aren't as good as they used to be?


The Plashing Vole said...

You've probably got swine flu. My colleague, and another colleague's child, have both now had it. My turn next…

Imaginary Friend said...

What's revolting?- the Double Decker, the illness or just me? I've NOT got swine flu.

Jase said...

You really don't want to start me on this subject. Just for starters...things with incorrect names (Opal Fruits, Marathons, Jif etc.), use of the English language, virtually all other people...oh, and I seem to be losing my sweet tooth so half a Mars Bar and I now feel a bit sick.